Arthur miller pbs biography of abraham

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    Arthur miller pbs biography of abraham

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    [This chronology has been compiled and crosschecked against a number of sources, however, a special acknowledgement should be made to the thorough "Literary Chronology" and appendices printed in The Theater Essays of Arthur Miller, eds.

    Robert A. Martin and Steven R. Centola.]

    1915 Arthur Asher Miller was born on October 17th in New York City; family lives at 45 West 110th Street.

    1920-28 Attends Public School #24 in Harlem.

    1923  Sees first play--a melodrama at the Schubert Theater.

    1928  Bar-mitzvah at the Avenue M temple.   Father's business struggling and family move to Brooklyn.  Attends James Madison HIgh School.

    1930  Reassigned to the newly built Abraham Lincoln High School.  Plays on football team.

    1931  Delivery boy for local bakery before school, and works for father's business over summer vacation.

    1932  Graduates from Abraham Lincoln High School.