El salvador map with capital

  • El salvador map with capital
  • El salvador map with capital

  • El salvador map with capital
  • El salvador map with capital and major cities
  • El salvador location
  • El salvador language
  • El salvador map with cities
  • El salvador location!

    Maps of El Salvador

    El Salvador, the smallest and most densely populated country in Central America, shares its borders with Guatemala to the northwest, Honduras to the north and east, and the Pacific Ocean to the south.

    It encompasses a total area of approximately 21,041 square kilometers (8,124 square miles).

    Central Region: The Central Region of El Salvador is characterized by a mix of mountains, valleys, and a volcanic plateau.

    This area includes the nation's capital, San Salvador, which lies within a valley near the San Salvador Volcano.

    El salvador map with capital and major cities

    The region is dominated by the volcanic chain, part of the larger Sierra Madre mountains, which includes several volcanoes such as San Salvador, Ilopango, and San Vicente. The highest point in the country, Cerro El Pital, stands at 2,730 meters (8,957 feet) and is located on the border with Honduras in the northern part of this region.

    Eastern Region: The Eastern Region is marked by the Lempa River, which is the longest in El Salvado