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    As a tribute to the school’s namesake/patron, Geo Milev, students submitted poems on a variety of topics. In February, the newspaper is also running a contest for best romantic poetry: Send your entries to

    Geo Milev

    By Hasiye Shaban (8d)

    Who is Geo Milev?

    Our patron, a true philologist

    creator of many unsurpassed, 

    unique works.

    Who is Geo Milev?

    Our poet, translator,

    art historian and publisher.

    This is Geo Milev.

    One Eye

    By Kristiyana Shivarova (8E)

    Shot anonymously in the night.

    The eye is taken out in the dark

    Buried with chambers in the night,

    passed through time … in bark.

    They killed him, the man, the poet

    and the verses put on the stake …

    They lit them like living know it.

    Spread out on the star ache.

    But from the sparks, like a small phoenix,

    they emerged from shadows into darkness

    A million of people with blazing flame.

    And everyone went on from past to